Just so you are all aware, I do not use this website anymore. Any art that I'll continue to upload will either be to Tumblr, WeHeartIt, Or my personal Facebook.
Skype will also be included on the list at where to get a hold of me. I barely ever use my laptop anymore so my usage of Artistic Social medias has declined.
I love you all, Thank you for following me on my journey of becoming an artist.
Links will be included below at where to find me.

Tumblr - 0fxckology0
WeHeartIt - _Fxckology_
Skype - Future--Hearts

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Future--Hearts's avatar
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Lakword's avatar
Hey. As long as you do what you like and draw what you like in own speed its all good. Its not like you got a contract to draw certian amount of arts each week or world will hate you XD